Registered Office Service
What is a Registered Office Address?
The registered office address is the official address of the company. All companies registered in England and Wales must have a registered office address. It is a legal requirement to display the registered office address on all company stationery.
Official documents and notices from Companies House and HMRC will be sent out to the registered office address.
What is a registered office service?
Our registered office service provides you with an address to use as your registered office. This allows you to keep your personal address away from the public register.
Any mail we receive at the registered office address will then be forwarded to an address you provide.
Why use our Registered Office Service?
- New Business or Smaller Companies – It would be advantageous to conceal the fact the business is only very small, especially when starting out.
- Working from home – It is recommended that you do not disclose your home address and as a limited company you must display your registered address on all published material.
- Overseas Ownership – Your company will need a registered address in England or Wales where official documentation can be delivered.
Fore more information, or to order, please call our team on 0845 026 2460.
Our registered office service is to be used for receiving and forwarding official mail only and should not be advertised as a general correspondence address for the company.
Official Mail varies depending on the company but can often be up to a ten pieces per year that must be received at the registered address.